Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I heard just about the smartest thing on hospitality today...

On my way to work, I listen to BFM 89.9
BFM is great coz it plays random songs that you dont hear elsewhere.
And from 8-8.20am its the breakfast grill!
Its where they interview key ppl on their respective industries.
(Perfect for people like me who are just clueless about industry insights)

Anyway back to the subject matter, the smartest quote on hospitality introduced by a speaker from a PR background is that.....
Pubs dont sell beer.
Hehe well that definitely caught my attention.

You know why???

Its because.........
lets say there is a row of pubs, the row of pubs all serve the same beer at roughly the same price. But you dont just walk into any 1st, 2nd, or 3rd pub. Instead, you choose to walk a little bit more and walk into the 4th one. Why?
If all the beers are the same, why the 4th and not the 1st, 2nd, 3rd?

You walk that extra distance and choose the pub based on their service and the experience you get from it. Essentially, whats being sold is not beer but service.



smokey said...

you wanna know something really funny? that man Michael de Kretser is my boss!

Cee said...

hehe he is your boss? he seems pretty cool =)

peng peng said...

Hi Cee it's been tooo long since we met up. what happened to perak trip la?

anyways, will message all of u soon for meet up k.

Cee said...

hello! perak dont think possible this yr la. hehe we aim for 1st quarter next yr?

smokey said...

yeah he is. cool fellow.

smokey said...

yeah he is. cool fellow.

AL said...

i'm impressed that u actually listen to BFM. my dad makes me listen to it cos it's good for business bla blaaaa. i'll listen to it more when i get back to kl. miss u lalink xxx

Cee said...

hehe its your uncle's?

its improved a lot since when i first i heard it

DiN said...

same thing goes for McDonalds. they don't sell burgers. I remember ray kroc (or whoever....) said that their business is not selling burgers, but real estate.

Cee said...

why real estate huh?

DiN said...

I also don't know why real estate. haha. but i think it's probably due to the fact that McDonald's always located at the busiest intersections around the world. so maybe they will buy those outlets, and rent it to the franchisees. and since the outlet is located in prime location, they could charge higher premium on rental.

that's my assumption lah...haha