Friday, February 19, 2010


Destination: Giverny, Vernon, North West of France
I want a garden as romantic as the paintings of Monet
But I guess being there will suffice too :)
Everyone discusses my art and pretend to understand,
as if it were necessary to understand,
when it is simply necessary to love
-Claude Monet

^8 Cee


frank said...

you always manage to come across these nice quotes ey jo

Cee said...

haha of course ;)
i think this quote is fitting for his paintings

Anonymous said...

You have tested it and writing form your personal experience or you find some information online?

Cee said...

its usually by chance that I come across something...but its my own interest to look further into it

Anonymous said...

You have tested it and writing form your personal experience or you find some information online?