Sunday, August 23, 2009

Heads in

On Tuesday we were given a project.
RM 100 M to trade. Winning team is the one that makes the most money in a month.

All of us were completely clueless. Super clueless.
Like errr which industry should we look at....which company....when to to value....
Sooo we called some ppl, read some stuff, threw darts and chose our stocks.

Thats how we started! Whewww what a gamble it has been!
But as days passed, we became more aware of news surrounding us, on industries and companies, and we're sorta learning how to make our own interpretations on candlesticks and charts and volatilities. Right or wrong we dont know, and I guess its the sort of thing you gotta learn and pick up over time.

And being forced to trade has made me realise that trading is actually not THAT scary. I guess sometimes you just gotta take that plunge to rid yourself of the fear and to stop thinking and just do it! Theres still so much to be learnt...But at least I've ridden myself of my biggest barrier- the self-imposed barrier of entry.
So my advice for those wanting to start to trade is to start with a portfolio simulation. Then you'll start picking up stuff and you'll realise that you actually dont suck that bad and voila you ought to have the guts to start for real soon enough.

Its an exciting world out there!



DiN said...

lol i do that too sometimes, just throw a dart to certain industry, then pickup whichever stock that sounds nice to me! haha!

actually, wait until you suck, then you know how suck it could be! haha! :p

at least you don't gamble your own money! eh, is it real money or what?

Unknown said...

or you could just go straight into real stuff :P
register for a free account and have a look at their articles on technical analysis. They have pretty good candlestick stuffz :)

Cee said...

din: RM100M real money? craaaazy?????!!!!! ahahah

harith: ya i plan to trade SOON :) malaysian la not australian stock market. but gotta put some money aside for savings first. then next time u can teach me more on candlestick!

DiN said...

Haha who knows! some tip: buy TRC Synergy. if you make money, let me know! haha!.

anyway, if you want to get your hands dirty with stock trading, try they have pretty good simulation. but they don't have malaysian stocks la. and for chart, go download the program from they have everything you need for technical analysis.

Unknown said...

well i referred you to that website cos of the theory that you can learn and apply to whichever market. candlesticks work everywhere :P