Wednesday, June 17, 2009

This time around last year...

I would have been studying my ass off in Baillieu (lib).

10.30am: wake up, shower, get dressed, cross the street, battle for my spot in the lib (2nd floor to the left...ouh cyeaaah)
before lunch: you see the same library faces slowly coming in. its a weird feeling. its like an acknowledged silent bond btwn strangers.
noon: long lunch with whichever other friends that are also nerding it out :)
3. 30pm:coffee break. time to talk talk talk about everything and nothing.
7pm: go home, dinner, shower, watch 2+1/2 men
9pm: head back towards library. one of the best feeling in the world is to walk across the dimly litted uni lawn on a winter day heading towards the brightly litted building at the end. you know, if you picture it, it'll seem like you're walking towards the light at the end of the tunnel. please dont quote that to me ever again. but truth be told, without fail, everytime i make this journey, a huge rush of emotions flood in. its happy and sad. happy coz i feel proud to be part of this larger dream of education, academics, and the future. sad coz I know that I'll move on... away from an ideal.
before midnight: sleepily attempt to work. procastinate by browisng through any random books on the shelves and get hooked on to it. promise self that after exams i'll come by and borrow (never happens).
midnight: everyone starts leaving. my pace of studying picks up to meet my target of the day. i need time pressure to work.
2am: done.

point of story? hmmm none... except that i miss Baillieu, i miss the company, i miss studying and arguing over solutions, i miss procastinating over coffee breaks....aaand i miss everything else in btwn.

Good luck to everyone else :)



in vacuo said...

eh datang balik

so colourful :]

rs said...

u forgot to put down a certain period of time, where a small indian girl would annoy the crap out of u lol

Cee said...

in vacuo: hah i wish! nicer right the colours
rs: haha lol. ur so dead if she actually reads this. how is work? do u have access to fb?

in vacuo said...

it feels like fruit loops! anyway, welcome back..keep writing

so u don't shower in the morning

rs said...

work is good.. still pretty light atm but getting busier..yeah i have access to fb. but i dont have your stalking tendancies...=P

Cee said...

fruit loops! i like. hehe shower, of course i do. there, amended.

but fb is getting boring now anyway :p and twitter too.

Anonymous said...

you and ur library...

lunch/dinner when i get back! lots of catching up to do.

will be in KL late june. will give u a few days notice just to free urself ok?

Cee said...

hehe you know it.

ok lemme know and ps u r the one thats always busy in KL. no family excuses this time

annejacqueline said...

hi poo! Haha i like this post.. i swear i will miss the law library too! Oooohh you have twitter? How come I can't find you!!:(

Cee said...

hehe coz i think i may have deleted it...not sure.
how you'll ask.
i deleted it then i realised i need to delete the info coz if not it'll still be there then i got it reinstated and that took a i'm not sure if i actually deleted it after. and now i'm not sure what my password or which email i yeaaaa